Ranau, the Austronesian root word of the language and the ethnolinguistics group Maranao, signifies “body of Water “ in multiple registers: lake, floodplain, sea, Me-is “to be”, inflecting thus Maranao with a notion of becoming vis a vis a water-dominated environment. The particular reference is the lake called “lake” – Ranau the rift lake, among the 15 archaic lakes in the world, cupping water in an elevated region of north central Mindanao. The language Meranau has no known dialect and is 87% intelligible with the language Iranun: 25% with the language Maguindanao. Together, these three languages comprise linguistics sub-group, the Denau languages. In isolation in a tropical rainforest ecosystem surrounding a lake with a substantial number of endemicfish, the Islamicized Meranau developed a material culture distinguished by virtuosity in ikat and tapestry on sil and okir arabesques in wood, brss and silver.